Our company is committed to respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights in all aspects of our operations. This Human Rights Policy serves as a framework for our commitment to uphold the principles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant United Nations conventions and guidelines.
Equality and Non-Discrimination:
We recognize and respect the inherent dignity and equal rights of all individuals, irrespective of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national or social origin, disability, or any other status. We are dedicated to promoting equality and non-discrimination in all our business activities.
Right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining:
We acknowledge and respect the right of our employees to freely associate, including the right to form or join trade unions or worker organizations of their choice. We will engage in meaningful dialogue with employee representatives and support collective bargaining as a means to address workplace concerns and improve working conditions.
Prohibition of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking:
We strictly prohibit the use of forced labor, slavery, human trafficking, and any form of coerced or involuntary labor within our operations. We will take proactive measures to prevent and eliminate any instances of forced labor or human trafficking in our supply chain.
Prohibition of Child Labor:
We are committed to protecting the rights of children and will not engage in or support any form of child labor. We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the minimum age of employment, ensuring that no child is employed in any stage of our operations.
Fair and Safe Working Conditions:
We will provide safe and healthy working conditions for all employees, ensuring compliance with relevant occupational health and safety standards. We will promote a culture of safety, providing necessary training, protective equipment, and regular inspections to prevent accidents, injuries, and occupational hazards.
Fair and Just Employment Practices:
We will uphold fair and just employment practices, including fair recruitment and selection procedures, equal opportunities for employment and advancement, and fair remuneration. We will provide competitive wages and benefits that meet or exceed legal requirements and industry standards.
Privacy and Data Protection:
We will respect the privacy and personal data of our employees and stakeholders. We will handle personal information in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations, implementing appropriate safeguards to protect confidentiality, ensure data accuracy, and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.
Social Responsibility and Community Engagement:
As a responsible corporate citizen, we will contribute to the well-being of society and respect the rights and interests of local communities. We will engage in sustainable practices, support community development initiatives, and respect the cultures, traditions, and land rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Supplier Responsibility:
We will promote respect for human rights throughout our supply chain. We will work with suppliers who adhere to ethical standards, including the prohibition of child labor, forced labor, and human rights abuses. We will conduct due diligence on our suppliers and collaborate with them to improve social and environmental practices.
Accountability and Remediation:
We are committed to accountability and transparency in our human rights practices. We will establish effective grievance mechanisms, providing accessible channels for employees and stakeholders to report concerns and seek remediation. We will investigate complaints promptly and take appropriate actions to address any human rights violations.
Continuous Improvement:
We will regularly review and improve our human rights practices, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and international standards. We will engage in ongoing dialogue with stakeholders to address emerging human rights challenges, integrate human rights considerations into our decision-making processes, and drive positive change within our industry.